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About Us
Central Insurance Company Limited started its journey from 12th November, 1987 as one of the first generation non-life insurance company listed with the Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited & Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited.
Since its inception the company has remained perpetually faithful to its slogan “Symbol of Progress & Protection” has been embedded in the hearts of thousands of its clients.
Now-a-days, the total Asset of the Company is over Tk.1,932 million, a reserve base of Tk.600 million and also investment portfolio of Tk.740 million having nearly 6,000 shareholders with 33 branches and worldwide correspondence network.
The Credit Rating Information and Services Limited ( CRISL ) have affirmed the rating “AA” by showing the height sound financial strength of the company is a combination of executives with wealth of astute experience as well as young and dynamic leaders of today; to meet the challenges of tomorrow.